So here’s the deal: I’ve been using Dada mail since like 1996. It’s my first website. It’s run by a guy in Colorado named Justin and he’s a bicycle enthousist and he is sweet as pumpkin pie. He’s the little guy. I have been loyal to him. He has been great.
But I want to embed video into my emails to this list.
So we are switching to Mailchimp. Yes, it’s totally corporate and you can’t call them (you have to talk to robots on text). Yes, it’s designed for sales/marketing grossness. Yes, it’s kinda breaking my heart…
But Alita is in charge now. And she is the one who has to do the work. And she says Dada mail goes the way of the Dodo.
So, please Click Through Here and opt-in. Don't forget! Don't put it off!
You can also sign up for San Francisco Institute of Possibility emails too. Here is a picture of a hippopotamus puppy.
This mailing list is announce-only.
This email list is that of Showman Chicken John Rinaldi of San Francisco. You can keep up with his shenanigans and opinions by being on this list. If you would like to be included in a list to announce shows, that would be on the site. This is for personal writing and such. He posts a few times a week at most. You sound much more important when you speak about yourself in the 3rd person. At least I do when I talk about me as 'him'.
Your email will be used for this list and this list only. I will not subscribe you to another list or sell your email address to get money for blow. I wouldn't do it I swear.