An important part of a balanced breakfast on the Hudson River includes not only boats made of nonsense that run on garbage that might be detritus, but also a smartly manicured steam ship of antiquated design affixed with a market price surely to elevate it's status from bullshit to bourgeois If you didn't already know, the Kinetics Steam Works Company of Oakland California is accompanying the rag-tag skally-wags that are the Swimming Cities of the Switchback Sea Your attendance to their Ball this Sunday to bear witness to their infernal machine of dubious design and elegant engineering will edify both the young and old Your presence is encouraged, for your perusal:
Greetings one and all,
Many of you know that we've been busy the last few months, restoring an old steam paddlewheel boat for a big art project coming up in August - no, NOT Burning Man KSW will be a part of a larger project dreamed up by the artist Swoon Starting August 15th in Troy, NY, we and 6 other vessels, covered in Swoon's art, will begin a 170 mile adventure down the Hudson River Our journey will take us around the tip of Manhattan and into Queens, where we will be landing at the Deitch Gallery, on September 7th, opening night of an even larger exhibit by the artist If you're going to be in the East Coast around that time, we would love to see you!
In about one week, our steamboat will be loaded on a flat bed truck and sent East so that the artist has time to adorn our blank canvas of a vessel
We would like to invite you all to come and see what we've been working on before we ship her off The party will go from 12pm-5pm or so on Sunday, June 29th and it will be located at our workshop at the NIMBY warehouse at 1649 28th Street in West Oakland We'll be serving steam powered margaritas and have some of our other steam equipment up and running on display
Feel free to bring a bottle of champagne to smash on the bow (the cheaper, the better breaks better!)
More information on the project here http://hudsonriverproject wordpress com/ and here www kineticsteamworks org
Yours in Steam,
Kinetic Steam Works
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